Chronic neck or back pain?
Thoracic, shoulder or arm problems?
Hip or leg dysfunction?
Myo-fascial whole body therapy targets the muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia that make up the structural foundation of the body.
Nothing that happens in your body happens in isolation. What is happening in your foot will affect your leg, what is happening in your leg will affect your hips, what is happening in your hips will affect your spine, shoulders and neck etc. and vice versa. As well the three body wide systems – the circulatory system, the nervous system and the fascial system – affect each other in
Myo-fascial bodywork intervenes in this cycle by targeting the fascial system which is the bodies structural foundation. The application of slow, sinking, pressure to shortened, adhered fascia re-hydrates and ‘melts’ adhesions and lengthens tissue. Hydrated and lengthened tissue results in better body alignment, improved movement, improved circulation (increased blood and lymph flow) and a less reactive nervous system (reduced pain). An experienced practitioner can work at all levels of the tissue from superficial to deep but because
As well as myo-fascial therapy I also use a number of other manual techniques including Gua Sha, scar tissue therapy, joint mobilisation, visceral manipulation and lymphatic drainage. All of these are compatible with and complement the