A Science-Based Therapy Designed To Re-align The Body Improving Function And Reducing Pain
What is Rolfing? Rolfing or Structural Integration (developed by Dr Rolf) is a sophisticated and effective system of manual therapy and movement education designed to deal with postural and movement problems that develop in the human body.
Rolfing is structural bodywork – structure and function are two sides of the same coin and Rolfing’s aim is to modify the bodies structure and in so doing improve its capacity to function as it was designed to – efficiently, easily and without pain.
The connective tissue network
The connective tissue network is, in fact, an organ in its own right – it is the organ of shape and structure and forms a continuous three-dimensional web that wraps every cell (including every muscle fibre) in the body.
The tensions and strains generated through this web and their distribution through the body determine whether the body is maintained in a balanced or in a distorted and dysfunctional state.
Connective tissue is malleable and responds to the various traumas and stresses, both physical and emotional, that the body experiences by shortening, thickening and stretching.
Just as a tent will twist into a new shape with the re-tensioning of a single guy-rope so the different parts of the body will tilt, shift and rotate in response to strain, warping into new and often dysfunctional relationships with each other and changing the relationship of the body as a whole to its larger environment.
If a person’s hips are rotated, or they have rounded shoulders this will not simply be a consequence of contracted muscles or skeletal deformation but will reflect distortions in the fascial network itself.
Overcoming the structural problems you face
Generally, I advise clients interested in the Rolfing process to do the first three sessions before deciding if they wish to continue. So now you know what is Rolfing, give me a call and I can walk through how it will work for your specific circumstance.
Call Gary Hehir today to discuss how Rolfing can help balance your body
on 0422 742 045 or Book a Session.
I look forward to being able to assist you.